Wir haben Lust auf was Neues, mit mehr Ecken, Kanten und frischem Lavendelduft. Daher ist der Musikmittwoch vor euren Augen der letzte Musikmittwoch, den ihr bei uns lesen werdet. (Unsere Freunde in Hamburg führen diesen aber fort.) Und weil man zum Schluss immer ein besonders großes Stück Kuchen serviert, gehören die letzten Musiktipps den drei Jungs von Alt-J.

Nächsten Dienstag erscheint ihr neues Album "This is All Yours"; am 1. Oktober kommen uns die Engländer sogar besuchen, um ein exklusives Konzert für euch zu spielen (mit Ticketverlosung – also seid gespannt)! Aber zunächst verabschieden wir uns mit der Playlist dieser großartigen und charmanten Band. Auf Wiedersehen und bis bestimmt ganz bald!

What was the first song you’ve ever danced to?
I spent hours as a child dancing to this song in my room in my coolest outfit, staring at myself deadpan-serious-I'm-a-fucking-good-dancer in my full length mirror owning all the Michael Jacksoneque moves I spasmed out.

Your current favorite song.
This song is the song I find myself listening too the most. This track boasts a great selection of cool guest rappers rapping 1st class raps and even after the 18th rewind I'm like "Daaammnnnn!"

Your song for the first kiss.
I remember my first kiss being at school when I was 14 and it was without soundtrack. Both Emma and I were pushed into the kiss by our well meaning if a little hysterical group of friends. After the incident I put Justin Timberlake's 'Rock Your Body' on my mini disc player and strutted to my next lesson. Later that day I was badly beaten up in an unrelated attack.

Which song makes you cry?
If I'm not in a crying mood I think no song could make me cry. But if I'm feeling tearful or a little raw there's plenty of songs that could tip me over the edge most of them would probably be 80's super power ballads!

Which song makes you enter the stage of a karaoke-bar?

Which song do you like – although you are embarrassed to admit it?
I don't think I'm embarrassed by any music I like. I really don't think I have guilty pleasures. I'm probably most embarrassed about playing my own songs. I do do that sometimes and if I'm in public I manoeuvre my phone very close to my chest.

Which song makes you leave the club?
I think leaving a club is a strong reaction to a song but if Pittbull came on I'd take a break.

The best concert of your life.
Though this wasn't the best or the worst concert it was the first of my life and it wasn't that great. I went to watch Nizlopi at a little venue in Southampton. There was two of them and one half was a beat boxing double bassist... sigh.

A song no one knows, but the whole world should listen to?
A band called Peppermint Lounge. They only released an EP back in 2009. We the band fell head over heals in love with their half an album and played it non-stop! We became friends and are still in touch though they no longer exist as a band. If you like trip hop folk check them out on MySpace they may still have a page?!

This song brings you home.
Any song by Alanis Morissette.

Which line from a song describes you best?
Any line from "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette.

Das ist unser letzter Musikmittwoch. Letzte Woche haben uns die Black Eyed Peas besucht. Alle Musikmittwoche findet ihr hier. Tschüssi!

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